Communication Orale ERS 2014, Congrès du Sommeil 2014 et Affiche Discussion CPLF 2015.
Catégorie : Publications
Collection and follow-up of new sleep apnea cases in patients over 70years of age and diagnosed in pulmonary and geriatric units
Communication Orale Congrès du Sommeil 2014 et CPLF 2015.
Traitement des apnées du sommeil par pression positive continue chez les patients non somnolents : acceptation et bénéfice perçu
Communication Orale Congrès du Sommeil 2013.
Independent association between nocturnal intermittent hypoxemia and metabolic dyslipidemia
Communication Orale ERS 2013 Congrès du Sommeil 2013 et CPLF 2014.
Adherence to positive airway pressure in non-sleepy patients with obstructive sleep apnoea
Communication Orale Congrès du Sommeil 2013 et CPLF 2014.
Independent association between obstructive sleep apnea severity and glycated hemoglobin in adults without diabetes
Communication Orale ERS 2012 Congrès du Sommeil 2012 et CPLF 2013.
Influence of marital status and employment status on long-term adherence with continuous positive airway pressure in sleep apnea patients
Communication Orale Congrès du Sommeil 2011 et CPLF 2012.